Sunday, June 19, 2011

Momotaro Showa

Last but not least, a momotaro showa. She the first momotaro koi I own and won 2nd prize (40bu) in the recent Koi show on 11 Jun 2011.

Maruyama Showa 1

This is the smallest of the 3 Maruyamas. In fact, she's the first of the three which I have commited. Her sumi quality and pattern caught my eye the moment I saw her.

Maruyama Showa 2

This showa is also from Maruyama; slightly smaller than the the previous one but still a whopping 46cm !

Maruyama Showa 1

This is the biggest of the 4 showas, from Maruyama. She is almost 50cm, 48cm to be exact, and she is still tosai ! Solid body structure, am hopeful that she will go beyond 80cm.

Latest Additions

Took delivery of 4 Showas, 3 Maruyama and 1 Momotaro, yesteraday. Here are the pics, taken just before they are introduced to my pond. Photos not very well taken though. I will post their videos later.